Are You Ready?

With the summer in full effect, the countdown begins for when the Full Court Press bids farewell to Japan and makes the return to Canada. Mark it on your Calenders, the Full Court Homecoming is Friday, July 28th.
The 30 days left before The Return is going to be full of parties, bbqs, and even paintball. Here's to a long, hot summer.
Hold on to your butts.

It's not a bad time of the year to be a sports fan. You got the World Cup, the NBA Finals, and the Stanley Cup going on at the same time. It's been pretty much impossible for me to see any Oilers/'Canes action over here at Full Court HQ, but I've managed to see games 1-3 of the NBA Finals thanks to the almighty Internets meanwhile the World Cup, well that's pretty much unavoidable.
Speaking of World Cup, Coke has been giving away these pretty cool World Cup Poker Chip key chains with every bottle of Coke and Aquarius. I got a few myself, but I'm not drinking 32 bottles of Coke to collect them all. I want that Hammer and Sickle Angola one though.
Oh No You Didn't!

At the recommendation of my boy Ron, I checked out this album recorded from a set DJ A-Trak did in Vancouver called
Oh No You Didn't!. A-Trak, the youngest ITF and DMC Champion ever who is also a member of the Turntablist supergroup, The Allies, is probably most famous nowadays as Kanye West's DJ. Dude absolutely rips shit up on this mix-cd. Look for it.