Sunday, June 26, 2005

Back on the Block

So I'm back from my trip home for my good friends' wedding. Congrats Raltz and Charina and watch out for those swinging 9-irons Raltz. At the driving range, Home Boy took an accidental (or was it?) crack to the face from the Missuss which required stiches to close.

Accidentally, that's gangsta.

Came through Vancouver and Kansai Airports to get home, and smugglers, watch out! They had dogs at both places sniffing your shit. The Japanese people around me thought it was cute to have this lil doggy sniffing at your legs, but that shit ain't funny if your wearing the same jeans you wore in a hot box the night before.

Fuck it's hot! I want a Coke.



p.s. George Foreman Grills are the shit.