All's Well...
Here we are. About 2 weeks left in Japan and the heat that greeted me when I first came to Japan is here again to see me off. Luckily Awa Junior High School doesn't give two shits about Cool Biz. We have the office air con on first thing in the morning.
This weekend is the ridonkulous Kobe/Osaka Long Weekend culminating with all-day Paint Ball on Monday. Hopefully the all-you-can-eat Brazilian BBQ and bikini night at The Grand Cafe doesn't kill us first. As always, it'll be Massive.
This might be in all likelyhood the last post made from The Full Court Press workhorse, the HP Pavilion. It's being replaced next week by a sexy new Black MacBook. So here's a fond farewell to that HP, bound for that ol' Hard Off in the sky...