Thursday, July 28, 2005

Good Riddance

Last Saturday's Good Riddance Night Out has earned legendary status as the biggest, baddest, nastiest, take all your lunch money and kick you while you're down night out in the past 2 years. It was simply Massive.

So the first of a wave of my friends have begun to leave Japan and return home, while fresh new faces take their place. It truly is a bittersweet time. I'd like give some shot outs (not shout, 'shot' like when when you put you gun finger in the air and go, "buck, buck, buck!") to my friends from the last year or two who are leaving on a jet plane. So thanks to Jody for being a good friend. To Joe for calling me cool. To Craig, Kirsten, Jane, and Marita for being a part of the "gang". To Amie, who I should have gotten to know better. To Steve for the greatest stories. And to everyone else whom I've ever shared a drink and good times with... a bid you a fond Good Riddance.